
Foliar nitrogen extends potato green canopy duration

To achieve high potato yields it is important to prolong the potato bulking stage by extending the green leaf canopy duration.

Foliar nitrogen extends potato green canopy duration
Foliar nitrogen extends potato green canopy duration

Maintaining a green leaf canopy longer helps increase the tuber size by allowing photosynthesis to continue efficiently so increasing yield. The potato is inherently inefficient at utilising soil nutrients, therefore additional nutrition in the foliar form is an ideal way of getting nutrition into the leaf. 

Chafer Nufol helps maintain an efficient green leaf canopy for longer

Nitrogen is an essential nutrient during this stage as it helps maintain the green leaf canopy. With the remainder of main nitrogen dressings having been applied at tuber initiation, additional requirements can be applied during bulking through several foliar sprays with dilute applications of Chafer Nufol

When compared with soil-applied top-dressings there are significant improvements in nitrogen utilisation. A trial carried out in Yorkshire by Yara showed that there was an 8.3% increase in yield by using Nufol. 

Applications should start from tuber initiation and can be applied in 2 - 4 diluted applications from early bulking up to 3 weeks before burn off. For further information on rates and timings, you should contact your local Yara Area Manager.